En bok med poetiska berättelser mellan magi och verklighet
Boken finns också på polska, Przygody W Przydomowym Wszechswiecie
Författare Siri Ekstrand och Torun Ekstrand
Har du hört talas om spraktassar eller dromuguler?
Retskvättan eller sångodarerna?
Blivit inbjuden på gråtkalas eller feberfest?
Pröva på i boken "Vardagsrymd" med teckningar och berättelser av Siri Ekstrand när hon var mellan tre och sex år. När gränsen mellan verklighet och fantasi inte känns så säker och kraven på "riktiga" och "verkliga, fina ”bilder inte trycker på så hårt. Vardagsrymd innehåller poetiska berättelser på gränsen mellan magi och verklighet.
Boken kan hjälpa till och vara utgångspunkt i samtal mellan barn och vuxna. Den inspirerar till prat om allvarliga, sorgliga och roliga drömmar och erfarenheter. En metod till hjälp för ett barn som försöker förstå och bearbeta verkligheten. En insikt i hur mycket ett litet barn verkligen förstår av sin omvärld. En obändig berättarglädje för de som tar sig tid att lyssna.
Alla goda böcker delar med sig av sina bästa recept:
INGREDIENSER : några deciliter tid, en stor skopa nyfikenhet, en liter lust, en nypa lugn, (har man inte lugn så kommer den av sig själv efter en stunds gemensamt arbete) och en skottkärra med mod. Boken består av fristående berättelser. Kan man sedan som Socialstyrelsen rekommendera 6-8 berättelser om dagen vore det bra. Vi rekommenderar att börja med EN om da’n.
En berättelse ur boken
Det kändes som om elden slickade mig i örat när det här lilla djuret viskade en hemlighet första gången vi träffades. Hon tycker mycket om att äta solbrännor, de strålar som står ut från solen. Efter det kan hon spruta eld. Ibland tänder hon en brasa och äter lågorna med sked. Jag har fått mata henne några gånger. En dag var hon riktigt hungrig och tog en taxi till solen för att äta. Kommer du ihåg den där speciella kvällen när det började skymma overkligt fort och alla färger försvann i ett nafs? Jag fick lov att duscha henne med iskallt vatten i badkaret när hon kom tillbaka. Hon lovade att inte vara så glupsk igen.
Press, mässor och visningar
Workshop och monter på Bok-och Bibliotek Göteborg, september 2002
Sveriges Radio Blekinge, oktober 2002
Sydöstran, framsida och helsidesreportage, oktober 2002
Radio Roslagen, september 2002
Lokstallarna, Karlskrona, designkväll, november 2002
Cap & Design, nummer 1, 2003
Föreläsning utifrån boken om barn och kreativitet inom bild och ord, mars 2003
Barnboksinstitutets Bokprovning, våren 2003
Workshops och föreläsningar för lärare, fritidshemspersonal, bibliotekarier:
Karlskrona Montessoriskola, Karlskrona Stadsbibliotek, Gullberna Parks förskola,
Torsås Bibliotek, Nybro Bibliotek
Boken finns översatt till polska: Przygody W Przydomowym Wszechswiecie
Barnboksdagar Edukacja, Polska Institutet, november 2002
Radiowy Exlibris, november 2002
Radio Gdansk, januari 2003
Uppläsning för barn ”Z Bajki”; Poznan, november 2002, workshop i januari 2003
Tidskriften ”Dziecko”/Barn/, mars 2003
- Grafisk formgivning Marie Backman, Backmandesign Ltd. England
- Översättning till polska Joanna Kudla
- 52 sidor inklusive omslag
- Papper inlaga Amber Graphic 170 g och omslag Arcoprint 250 g
- Storlek 210 mm bred, 250 mm hög, häftad och limmad
- Första upplagan 2002, ISBN 91.631-2996-5
- Polska översättningen, ISBN 91-631-2997-3
- Tryck Labelpoland, Gdansk, Polen
Vykort, affisch och bokställ
Affisch 500 x 700 mm i färgtryck.
Fyra motiv ur boken i svartvitt, vykort.
Bokställ i kartong, färg, med foto och motiv ur boken.
Ritblock med kvalitetspapper.
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Priset är 79 kr och då ingår frakt och moms.
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Presentation of the book “Vardagsrymd”/“Przygody w Przydomowym Wszechswiecie” or “Adventures in Everydayland” or “Everydayspace”.
Have you ever heard of Sparklepaws, the Singodary or the Teasedrizzler?
Been invited to a fever feast or a crying party?
Take a chance in the book “Everydayspace”, a book on how a child between three and six years think and draw. The title is an allusion on adventures in the outer and inner space of everyday The cover is light blue like a day when you lie down to watch white clouds in the sky…The book is written by Torun Ekstrand when listening to the words and expressions of her daughter Siri and working closely in an allowing setting. The drawings are made by Siri and the stories have grown out of her words and gives us a glimpse of the world looked upon from a child’s view.
The background of the book is the little time we use to really speak with our children. Today time-awareness and stress is big components in everyday life even for children. Who listen to their thoughts on the world, who reads for them?
We can read about backache, headache, soar muscles and think it’s about adults, when it is the reality for many children. The time for drawing and painting is being put aside when knowledge is more important to “fill” them up with, forgetting that the creative side of the brain is being forced back at the same time.
-What is that supposed to be? We ask our children with the best of intention. The demands on pictures which resembles reality or are “nice” makes children stop being personal in their drawings or even not to draw at all. When do you cease using the picture as a language of it’s own and start telling, “I can’t draw”.
The book can be read as one short story every day…to be a start of a dialogue.
The recipe for parents and teacher: meet one child (or more), find paper and pencils:
Reduce the stress of children. Find your own everydayspace!
Ingredients: some ounces of time, a pinch of calmness (if you don’t have it at home it will come by itself gradually while working), one pound of curiosity, one cup of lust and a wheel- barrow of courage!
Throw yourself out!
We have put a lot of effort into the graphic design, working closely together for the book to grow during a long period of time. The fragile and brittle drawings meet up in a simple and clean design It was important to print on paper of high quality, which would emphasize the message of the book - to look at children’s drawings as being an essential language.
Read more about how it all came to happen in the “after word” of the book, how it all started with the words “I can’t draw a cat, please do one on my paper”.
This book is for every child and adult that wants to take care of their own ideas, experience, knowledge, feelings. For those who wants to go on adventure in their own drawings and stories afterwards. The stories in the book are a mix between fantasy and reality in a poetic language. We want to encourage people to travel out of their living room, out in the space of everyday. We hope you can’t stop yourself!
The imagination in new inventions of words is great, you get to meet really strange animals and attend parties you certainly haven’t heard of…
Have you trained drawing as much as sporting or writing?
When do you stop being personal in your drawings and why does almost every adult you meet say that they can’t draw? They haven’t been practising since they were small is one answer. Like you do with sports for instance. Of course you realize that you can’t run a marathon without training and it aches after a few miles, if you get so far. Somewhere along the road children realize that the adults around us want us to draw in a particular way, we comment and say “how nice!”. Instead of saying “Tell me more”. The child has not asked for a judgement, they want to tell you something and use one of their natural languages to do so. They cease to draw, or in early teens get into a certain manner, stereotypes of a princess, a tree, a caricature that other has given their approval to. Then you are certain that nobody will give a judgement on your drawing or on you.
Learning how to really see is an important training. How many of us see the small grovel on the street that our child saw? Let them be researchers. Fantasy is not only to find things up, it is also to see and discover everything around you. Let them ask why and how. Don’t give them the model of a house and say that “this is a house”, you don’t have to look around anymore.
A small child experience that the border between reality and fantasy isn’t so clear and the demands on “real, nice” and “realistic” drawings not are so strong. The grammar of fantasy is fantastic, there are many new inventions of words in the book. There are no dromaduras in a land called Afruka in the “real” world, but it gives children ideas and thoughts about something exciting far away.
The language is a construction. A child learns about the world from it and is often trying new words. As an adult we tell them that “this is right, that is wrong”, taking our “real” knowledge and rules as excuse. Experiment with words can be a way of learning a language and give us astonishing understanding and knowledge. Why does an apple have the name of an apple? Let lust and curiosity get into the language and you take the power over it! Let our children know that the language hasn’t grown up yet, it’s nothing stiff but can be bent and stretched as you want in order to learn more about the unknown world.
I say it again, begin in their experience! Don’t give them a ready model of the world. Let them know that what they have to say is important.
Creativity as a democratic right
Creativity is not only in the monopoly of artists, it should be a democratic right. Creativity can be s way of being, a sort of talent to see, to discover. In every field of life, not only art. Children can work in a constant flow during hour after hour, seeking “wonders” in the tiniest things of everyday. Children are not artists, but they have an open mind that we can try to keep our fingers from and encourage. If we want a society with creative people? Albert Einstein knew it, he once said that imagination is more important than information.
One story from the book
When this little creature whispered me a secret the first time we met, it felt like fire was licking my ear. She really likes to eat “blazes”, those rays of light thrown out by the sun. Then she can breathe fire. Sometimes she will light a fire and eat the flames with a spoon. I’ve been allowed to feed her a few times. One day she was very hungry and took a taxi to the sun for dinner. Do you remember that evening when dusk came unusually quickly and the colours disappeared in a flash? When she got back I was allowed to shower her in ice-cold water in the bath. She promised not to be so greedy ever again.
This shy little creature usually lives under my bed. She’s a really good girl even if she can conjure up the odd black moment from time to time. Her feet are really bristly and you can hear them rasping as she moves across the floor. She usually pops out for a while at night to eat stars and that’s when the sky and the roads seem particularly dark.
One particular evening, I tied flowers around her tummy with round knots because she was going to a ball. She felt so happy that she didn’t wrap us in darkness. The sun shone all that night and the day after too.
Retskvättan eller sångodarerna? Blivit inbjuden på gråtkalas eller feberfest? Pröva på i boken ”Vardagsrymd” med teckningar och berättelser av Siri Ekstrand när hon var mellan tre och sex år. När gränsen mellan fantasi, magi och verklighet inte känns så säker och kraven på ”riktiga, verkliga” och ”fina” bilder inte trycker på så hårt. Ett GOTT recept på hur du kan finna din egen vardagsrymd och hur du kan minska stress hos barn och vuxna finns på hemsidan, recensioner, bilder, berättelser, föreläsning om barn och kreativitet.
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