Art Line exhibitions 2011-2014

Art Line was a collaboration and network between 14 art institutions, museums, academies around the Baltic Sea 2011-2014.  

20 exhbitions were produced during the project period.
They were made in collaboration between the partner institutions in Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Russia and Germany.

The exhibitions were shown in Poland, Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden, Belgium and on the passenger ferries in traffic between Sweden and Poland.

Online exhibitions and crossmedia exhibitions were also made using Augmented Reality and Kinect.

The Storytelling project Telling the Baltic was a project developed in several phases before turning into a transforming exhibition touring around the Baltic Sea. Storycollecting with interdisciplinary methods, workshops with artists and storytellers, touring exhibition and a digital online gallery.

Exhibitions and installations were also presented onboard the passenger ferries going in traffic between Gdynia and Karlskrona.

Initiator and project leader Art Line, Torun Ekstrand.

Art Line received a Flagship status from the European Commission and was part of the Action plan for the Baltic Sea Region Strategy.

The project was partly funded by the South Baltic Cross-Border Co-Operation Programme.

Baltic Goes Digital at Gdansk City Gallery. Above: The sound installation Baltic Sea Radio using the
Read and see more exhibitions: Online catalogue Project website www.artline
Photos from Telling the Baltic works, installations and exhibitions. Works by Patrycja Orczykowska,
Art & Apparatus-project. Workshops, experiments in digital media and waterjetcutting, residencies an
Telling the Baltic in Kaliningrad, Gdansk, Karlskrona, Rostock. Artist from above: Henrik Lund Jørge
Baltic Sounds Good. Sound installations on aft deck of the Stena Line ferries. Sound installations a